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In It's Not Supposed to Be This Way, Lysa TerKeurst offers a Biblical perspective to encourage readers when facing daily disappointments and life-altering loss. Discover that in God we can find unexpected strength. 

Unashamed teaches you how to drop the baggage of your past, pick up your freedom, and fulfill your destiny! Step into the future knowing that you're loved and created for a divine purpose. It will empower you to become a shame-lifter for others.

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In Boundaries, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend help you learn when to say yes and how to say no. Take control of your life and set healthy, biblical boundaries with your spouse, children, friends, parents, co-workers, and even yourself.

In Forgiving What You Can't Forget, Lysa Terkeurst shares a step-by-step plan to help you let go of bound-up resentments. She'll teach you what the Bible says about forgiveness, how to disempower triggers hijacking your emotions, move on if a person refuses to change, and more.

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Anxious for Nothing, is a study on Philippians 4:6. It is a wonderful resource for anyone looking for a book to explore anxiety and depression with practical applications.

In Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table, you learn practical tips to win the battle of your mind. You don't have to let negative thoughts control your life. Giglio helps you reject enemy voices and receive encouragement, hope, and strength.  

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Additional Resources


Ministries to Follow


Bridge to the Badge

Bridge to the Badge strengthens 

Law Enforcement Officers, their families, and their agencies through prayer ministry, Biblical encouragement, and practical support.


Our vision is that every law enforcement agency in America would be covered in prayer and that every law enforcement officer would have access to a network of Christ-centered resources for support. 


A World for Children

“Changing the world… one child at a time.”

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency, A World For Children contracts with and is licensed by the State of Texas to provide foster and foster-to-adopt services for abused and neglected children across the State.


Helpful Apps

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PTSD Coach is a military-designed app that offers tools to help you mitigate PTSD symptoms, change destructive behaviors, and practice self-care. 


Moodfit: offers daily goals, tools & insights to reduce stress and build up the fitness of your mental health. A better mood starts here.


Neurocycle: NeuroCycle uses Dr. Leaf's scientifically researched and revolutionary 5 Step to help you take back control over your thoughts and life. Manage stress, anxiety, depression and toxic thinking with the first-ever brain detox app!



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Love Nudge by Dr. Gary Chapman of 5 Love Languages created this free app that helps you intentionally express love in ways that are most meaningful to your partner. It is a fun, habit-forming app.


Counseling Policies and Consent Forms

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